Jul 7, 2010


marijke, another reference for you :P


May 18, 2010


I just saw that on the net and I think you may be interested :]

here is the link to Flickr

May 14, 2010

Le tour du monde en 80 secondes


Around the world in 80 seconds. Directed by Romain Pergeaux & Alex Profit. A project done in only 3 weeks. This route is a tribute to the famous Jules Verne's book "Le tour du monde en 80 jours". The making of the video, pictures of the trip and an interview of Alex Profit can be seen at http://www.tourdumonde80.fr
Our tour included stops in London - Cairo - Mumbay - Hong Kong - Tokyo - San Francisco - New York - London.

Apr 22, 2010

death of the underground

hey panos,
according to brody the underground died in 1984...

(and this interview he gave at the OFFF in lisboa... does that ring any bell? ;] )

Apr 8, 2010

design competition


Apr 7, 2010

more pieces of people

another colage for you!
(do u like them? I keep posting them to you... hihi)


Mar 31, 2010

pieces of people we love

hey marijke, this reminded me of you:

ok.... not YOU, but your work ;)

the source: http://bookcoverarchive.com/book/the_complete_works_of_marvin_k_mooney

Mar 24, 2010

Mar 13, 2010


guys, I made a blog to post notes about things I see and perceive around about tourists and tourism and everything else related to my research.

I think this will be very helpful to me.
I hope... :)

Mar 3, 2010

TED Information visualization

with Juliana Azevedo and Panagiotis Kovanis

fashion lights

I don't know if it relates to your research, Marijke, but I just saw this picture and remembered the ones you used when you were writing your essay.
Impressive lights on a fashion show:


Feb 12, 2010

PROVO tourists for Juliana

Provo was an "anarchistic" movement which lasted only a couple of years and within the boundaries of the Netherlands and Belgium. The street Happenings and provoking the police were their main tactics. The police showed no tolerance and attacked in every chance, most of their happenings were ending into riots.
So lets take a look at a small paragraph from the book Provo, Amsterdam's anarchist revolt.
"Yet another section of Amsterdam bureaucracy sough to profit from the international interest in the Provos. The VVV, the Dutch national tourist office, published a brochure entitled See the Provos, which was distributed in local hotels. Interested tourists were driven to Enkhuizen, a picturesque 17th-century port an hour north from Amsterdam, where for a fee they were provoked by goverment-sanctioned "Provos"."

Good old squatters

Amsterdam squatting movement

Underground Athens: Eksrchia

A small video from eksarchia. Just to give you an idea.

Feb 9, 2010

who want's to join me?

http://www.nietnormaal.nl/ it is an exebition on Not Normal in amsterdam

the owners of art

I found this poster on the web. what do u think?


Feb 8, 2010

the truth about amsterdam

oh the cliches!



they also have a blog for it:

Feb 7, 2010

Alice (my possible inspiration)


and here is a link for alice in the wonderland trailler!

(go to the end of the page)

and can u picture it on 3D??


Feb 6, 2010


guys, to relive the blog, here is a video for tourism in switzerland that I'm going to use in my research.


I think it is amazing how they sell that it can be really fake, but as a good thing!
oh, tourists... :P